In 2009, CNN International documented the work of Operation of Hope in a 20 minute documentary called, ‘Inside Africa’ Hosted by Isha Sesay. In this documentary an adorable little girl came to the hospital with the help of her Great Grandmother Sarah. Lullubell was immediately scheduled for surgery. Later, it was discovered Sarah had sold her goats so she could afford the bus fare to the hospital!
Lullubell was a magic little girl. Her personality shined and everyone in the hospital just fell in love with her. Our sense was, Lullubell didn’t understand her condition as she was always so happy and engaged in the moment.
Her Grandmother said, sadly, she was starting to notice kids making fun of her because her teeth stick out. In time, it was very likely, Lullubell, like so many kids with deformities, would be shoved to the side and hidden, completely smothering such a bright and beautiful kid such as Lullubell.

Lullubell’s surgery went extremely well. The family spent the night in the hospital and the next day, they all traveled home together with a little extra money that Operation of Hope gave to Sarah with specific instructions: “Go buy those goats back!”